I needed a mixed-lighting source scene for the second part of the exercise on colour cast and white balance. Following the course notes, I opted for an indoor/ outdoor scene at dusk. The idea was to shoot the same scene at the following white balance settings : sunlight ; tungsten; auto. The results came in as :
P527: F14 @ 1sec ISO 1600 -1 exp. 18mm |
P528: F14 @ 1 sec ISO 1600 -1exp. 18mm |
P529: F14 @ 1 sec ISO 1600 -1exp. 18mm |
Looking at the three images above, there is a distinct difference between each one. The one with the sunlight setting not surprisingly gives a more warm yellow colour to the picture, while the tungsten setting casts a cooler look than the both sunlight and auto ( P529 ) which provides a colour cast that falls between P527 and P528.
If I had to choose one of the three images I would opt for P527 ( the sunlight setting ) as I feel the warm colour cast it provides is the most appropriate for the subject i.e. looking into a home at night - it makes the interior look welcoming and somehow comforting. The tungsten version looks more clinical, maybe more 'modern' looking.