Monday, 10 June 2013

Colour cast and white balance Part 1

There were two parts to this exercise .For part one, I focused on outdoor lighting conditions  i.e. sunlight ; cloudy ; open shade on a sunny day.


P514 : F8 @ 1/640  ISO 200  18mm AWB

P515: F8 @ 1/640  ISO 200  18mm sunlight

P516: F8 @ 1/640  ISO 200  18mm cloudy

P517: F8 @ 1/640  ISO 200  18mm  open shade
Looking at the images above, the difference between the pictures are interesting. I feel that the fourth image ( open shade ) is the nearest to what I actually saw and i.e. quite close to the AWB image. The blue of the sky is slightly darker as is the yellow of the boat. In the image taken with the sunlight setting there is a yellow cast and the blue of the sky is more faded. the cloudy setting produces a darker colour for the green seaweed  and yellow hull.


P518: F18 @ 1/15  ISO 200  22mm  AWB
P519: F8 @ 1/20  ISO  200 22mm sunlight

P520: F18 @ 1/20 @ 1/20  ISO200 21mm cloudy

P521 :F18 @ 1/20  ISO200  21mm open shade

Here in the above images, the one with the cloudy setting has slightly bleached colours affecting the lanterns and the bark of the tree. The picture taken with AWB is nearer to the one with the sunlight setting both sunlight and cloudy settings producing richer colours. That said, the image with the open shade setting (P521)  is nearer to the actual colours of the blue and orange lanterns with the tree bark and leaves being a little darker.

Open shade on a sunny day

P523: F8 @ 1/40  ISO 200 28mm  AWB

P524: F8 @ 1/40  ISO 200  28mm  sunlight

P525: F8 @ 1/40  ISO 200  27mm  cloudy
P526: F8 @ 1/40  ISO 200  27mm open shade
Looking at these last images, the third one ( cloudy setting ) is nearer the reality of the actual scene. The AWB setting seems slightly overexposed and sunlight has a slight yellow feel to it. The last  image presents a bluer feel.

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