Friday, 2 August 2013

Assignment 2 : Seeing like your camera - preparation

This assignment is all about high contrast scenes and as such has warranted a good deal of thought as to what, where and when to shoot the images. Another factor was the requirement of Part two of the assignment requires me to select one of the four chosen situations and photograph the same images in  a low contrast situation. I've decided to go for the following situations :

  • Early morning landscapes
  • Backlit scenes
  • Scenes with strong dappled light
  • Street scene in the middle of a clear, sunny day

My first instinct was to try to achieve some coherence to the assignment by choosing a theme that the four modules could illustrate. Given that the assignment required a reworking of three of the images, I needed to ensure that wherever I shot the images I would be able to easily return to the location. I decided to look at a Portsmouth theme as this would likely provide street scenes as well as seaside / waterfront locations within easy reach by car. I was also mindful that the weather would be playing a key role here given the lighting needs and given our summer weather, I began monitoring the local weather forecasts with far more interest than usual.

My reconnoitring trips made me realise that there were no suitable street in the city which would give me the conditions I needed for the street scene. A visit to Chichester where I thought that I might get both street locations and opportunities for dappled light ( thinking here of the Cathedral interior and cloisters ) again proved fruitless. The dappled light scene was easier to resolve than the street one given I decided to look at our garden and the local countryside where I go walking. For the street scene I decided to visit Brighton's 'Lanes' and keep my eyes open on a scheduled theatre trip to London.

So, the end result here was an abandonment of a them for the assignment and a concentration on location and  lighting to provide the photo opportunities needed.

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