Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Assignment 5 - achieving a constant look

I think it fair to say that the final selection of images did not present a 'constant look' to the photobook. Why was this? Some of those  images had some considerable post production treatment to generate a certain feel,for example,  'warm sunshine',the passing of time or an attempt to place the image back in time by representing it as an image taken many years ago that had faded with time.My tutor feels that this colour rendering and use of grain 'detracts from the quality of the image ( both technically and emotionally )'
This post production treatment experimenting with techniques learnt during the course approaches did introduce a degree of inconsistency across the book. How to get round this? how to achieve a constant 'look' ?  
 The images that I want to use do not easily lend themselves to creating the look of old photos right across the board; and given that I want the images I've taken today to trigger memories of yesterday, this suggests that I would be better sticking to printing images that I have taken in the here and now and leave them to jog memories of the past. This would work for me in  terms of my memories. For others it is less simple, but perhaps the images are not so specific that they do not trigger thoughts and memories even if these are not that personal to the viewer.  
A:  Lightroom colour preset
P700: Daylight WB

        Same image but different treatments to try and achieve the  sense of hot sunshine within a glass greenhouse.....


P701 :: Cloudy WB
P702:original image AWB

              However, if I were to opt for the idea that the images were taken a while ago and have changed over time, for example, started to fade  or some colours fading, how would this be achieved, how would it look and could it or should it be applied across all images to provide the consistency that I feel is needed?    Looking at the images above I think Image C comes closest to what I was trying to conjure up..This was achieved by  using the cloudy white balance setting ( P701).

        I also experimented with some differing approaches to 'aging' photos  to see whether there was any approach that would work across. 

 P703 : Photochrome  version
        I have come  to the conclusion however, that this project is better served by using the original images to achieve a consistency of look  rather than processing them to 'look' like old photos.



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